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Leadership Conference

The Lions of Mississippi holds a Boys & Girls Leadership Conference every year in March. Individual Lions Clubs in Mississippi sponsor students in the 10-12 grades to attend the camp at no charge to the student if their application is approved. The camps feature local leaders who come and speak to the campers along with some fun activities. 

The 2023 Girls Conference was held at Lake Tiak O'Khata in Lousisville, MS from March 10-12, 2023. It was the 38th Annual Lions of Mississippi Leadership Conference for Girls. The camp director Betty Swanzy with the Lousiville Lions Club has helped organize the camp since it began. Ann McCart has 37 years helping organize along with Betty. Thanks for making a difference in the lives of these campers!

The Boys Leadership Conference was held March 17-19 at Lake Tiak O'Khata in Lousiville. Carl Nehling is the camp director for the boys camp. 

Photos from the Girls Leadership Conference held in March 2022.

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